Coloring Line Art


There are other tutorials on the net on how to color line art, but to me they make it seem so difficult, with the creating alpha channels and changing blend modes,etc.This tutorial will give you a simple way to color your line art just using layers, period. I'll be using Photoshop version 6, but any paint program that lets you use layers should work. Lets get started.

First of all scan your art in at at least 300 dpi. This is the artwork I'll be coloring.
(click on pics for larger view)

Once you have your art in your program, you have to change it from black and white bitmap to RGB color. First you"ll change from bitmap to grayscale. Follow the pic. The steps are numbered 1 to 3.

When the next window comes up just click ok. Now you want to change to RGB color.

Now get the magic wand tool as shown in the first pic. Click on a black part of the art. If all the black is not selected, go to select and click similar as shown in the second pic.

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